Project Type
Fitness App
March ‘22- May ‘22
Project Summary
While working as a customer service representative for an online fitness platform, I noticed many customers canceled because they felt “too old” or “not fit enough” to use the service.
Fitted seeks to help the people who do not feel represented in a typical fitness app by providing fitness instructors of all ages with varying body shapes.
This responsive web app will aim to help beginners find activities they like and establish a fitness routine within a welcoming and diverse environment.
My Role
UI Designer
User Stories
User Flows
Mood Board
Lo Fidelity Wireframes
Mid Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
The Problem
Users who are at a beginner fitness level want to feel comfortable and represented while working out, but most fitness apps only feature younger instructors with very similar body types.
Fitted will aim to feature instructors of all ages and body types to help motivate beginner users and help them feel represented.
The Context
This was a project during my UI for UX Designers Specialization Course at CareerFoundry.
During the course I had to receive task approval from my CareerFoundry mentor.
Search and filter exercise videos (based on type, difficulty level, length, etc.)
Exercise scheduler (based on exercise interests and actual daily routine: commute,
sit at desk, etc.)
Option to add sessions to calendar
Create user accounts
Tracking and charting of users’ progression over time
A game layer with individual daily challenges, achievements, and/or rewards
Social sharing for routines or favorite exercises
User Goals
Users want to lose weight and get in shape, as many sedentary jobs don’t allow a lot of time for exercising.
To help with this goal, users want to find a tool that will help them fit exercise routines into their busy schedule.
As a beginner, users want something that will help them learn how to properly exercise by people they find welcoming and not intimidating.
Users want help finding routines they can enjoy.
Target Audience
The target audience will be Generation X ages 42-57. Because this demographic is getting older they may not feel as represented in current online fitness environments featuring younger fitness instructors.
User Stories
User Story 1
As a new user, I want to learn about different exercises, so that I can figure out what is best for me.
User Story 2
As a new user, I want to be shown how the exercises are done, so that I know I’m doing them correctly.
User Story 3
As a frequent user, I want to be able to schedule exercises for working out, so that I build positive habits.
User Flows
These are the user flows I designed based off of each user story from above.
Lo Fidelity Wireframes
Mid Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
A/B & Preference Testing
Font Preference Test
I conducted a preference test to determine which font is preferred by users.
Originally, I designed with Roboto, but when tested against Montserrat, there was one clear winner.
With 25 participants, results are 95% statistically significant in favor of Montserrat.
I updated the design using Montserrat font, reflective in the prototype.
After feedback from my CareerFoundry mentor, I continued to revise the high-fidelity wireframes until I designed the current prototype.
What’s Next?
Next steps would be to continue to improve the UI through continued research and usability testing.